5 out of 10 stars
Sequels are rarely as good as the original. No exception here.
It's fair to call Chick-Fil-A's Spicy Chicken Sandwich a sequel. Because unlike most fast-food chains, CFA just doesn't add big new menu items. Especially in the sandwich department. And their staple is the chicken sandwich. It's like releasing "Forrest Gump 2: Forrest goes to K-Mart" years after the original came out. I'm sure it'd get a couple laughs, but probably an unsatisfying watch given the greatness of the original.
Ok so the sandwich...I wanted to like it. I really did. But I just didn't. The spiciness was Wendy's/McDonald's-ish. I was hoping for something new. I felt it cheapened the sandwich. After two bites, it was over for me. "Wish the rest of this sandwich was the original one" I thought in my misshaped head. And personally I thought it was too spicy. Bad spicy taste + too much of it = ew gross.
So that was that. Kind of a disappointment, but not really. What was I expecting? ("New Coke", "Arch Deluxe", "BK's new fries"...history doesn't lie. Not that this is that big, but you get it)
And though I've just thrown their newest baby under the bus, I gotta be clear about something (this should probably be a new post all together). I love Chick-Fil-A. If there is a better fast food joint out there I haven't found it. Like most successful companies, their key is consistently delivering a good product. And deliver they do, day in and day out, with an actual smile. Except on Sundays. Which yeah it sucks they're closed on Sunday, but it's also a testament to how badass they are. "We're only open six days a week and still kick everyone else's ass".
I'm nuts over their business model. If you ask for Polynesian sauce, you get it. If you've ever wondered if there will be napkins and a straw in your bag, then that was a dumb thing to wonder. They're there.
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